Building team with clay.
When the architects in Spinn Arkitekter needed a small break from buildings they visited our microfactory for a few hours of working with clay. We had prepared a session of building with slabs of clay (flat surfaces), an understandable and flexible technique for constructing objects. With this technique it is possible for the participants to create useful objects, both small and large and in different shapes, with few tools and with some demonstration, instruction and help from us.
Three architects hard at work.
The slab building technique requires few advanced tools to get a good result.
Instructor Constance is doubling as an entertainer for participant Christian.
Slabs of clay were prepared a day in advance to achieve the right firmness for building.
Working hard on the finishing.
Using this technique participants can create useful objects in only a few hours.
The architects have left the building and the things they have made are left to dry.
We left the firing glazing of the objects to ourselves.
Each object is fired once, glazed and then fired again.
Some of the finished objects. We chose black clay with black glaze since this was a workshop for architects!