Crafting the food Oscars of Norway.
Often referred to as “the food Oscars of Norway”, Det Norske Måltid is held once a year to select and honour the best food producers in the country. They came to us in early 2019 with a desire to renew their trophies to better reflect the handcraft, uniqueness and hard labour of the winners receiving them. Our solution was to make unique trophies with drawings customized for each winner.
Each plate is given a unique drawing based on the speciality of the category winner.
The plates are drawn and painted on, and then glaze is applied in relation to the motive.
Finishing the edges on a still unfired plate. Photo: Det Norske Måltid.
Hege, originally an archaeological illustrator, is the brain and hands behind the drawings on the plates. Photo: Det Norske Måltid.
Each plate is masked before glazing, and specific instructions on glaze amount and placement is given in little notes.
Photo: Det Norske Måltid
Photo: Det Norske Måltid
Photo: Det Norske Måltid